Friday, September 23, 2016

True Story.

So it's happened.

We have Internet at the farm! Yay! And a phone number too! It's Internet phone (best deal out there) and at the moment we can only use one or the other.....since we need a gadget to connect both, and another do-dad to give us WiFi....just the same....

RE- Connection!!

But I fear one thing. Less blogging might happen here than happened when I lived in a trailer at the S.S.I.L's

She had a comfy couch and warm house for me to blog in!
I lived in a small trailer where meals were served on paper plates.
And mostly there wasn't a massive fixer-upper calling my name and all names in the family too!

Here's our office/electronic center.

Not so cozy looking eh?

Well, I will try to blog when I can....I have several subjects or stories in the they will happen......just not sure when.

Now if only we could jerry-rig the trailer to get the Internet out there!!! At the moment it's a pile more comfy out there then this construction zone!!

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