Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Trailer, Yes.

But we are not uncultured!
We have standards.....we bow (a little wee bit) to the status quo.

Here we are...... all decorated for Fall :)  

Funny story behind this pumpkin.

The Youngest wants one every year. This year it seemed an un-necessary splurge at $4-5 each.
Then at Wal-Mart I see a bucket full of orange globes for only $2.77!! Sweet!
I tell the Gal she can pick one out.

As we are putting the "chosen one" into the buggy, a helpful older fella, leans towards us and whispers conspiratorially, "Don't buy your pumpkin here! They are on sale for $4.99 at SaveMore!"

Uuuuuuuuugh......O.K??? haha :)


  1. i see you went all out in decoarations!
    haha that's about all i did - oh no i got a potted mum too but my pumpkin rotted inside - that's organic for you !

  2. i see you went all out in decoarations!
    haha that's about all i did - oh no i got a potted mum too but my pumpkin rotted inside - that's organic for you !
