Friday, September 23, 2016

Another True Story!

I almost "tossed my cookie"s on this one!

No kidding.

When I pictured "old farm house" I knew I would be dealing with insects and bugs.
Both dead and alive.

Just this morning I had to hang up from a phone conversation cause I could see a spider, a living one, the size of a quarter and couldn't reach it to do anything about it.

In just two weeks I have vacuumed up scads of lady-bugs, wiped away wads of webs, disposed of quite a few dead June-bugs and killed some silver fish and other creepers.

So far the mouse-traps are four for four, and although Geoff sets AND empties them I think I will get to the point where I may be able to do that too. Either way I am able to have a look see and tell if there is some "little job" for Geoff to do.

BUT when Geoff spotted this uninvited "squatter" living in our space and pointed it out sitting on the TOP basement step, like he was just waiting to be let into the warmer kitchen.....

Well I confess, not only was I not prepared to see such a creature in my house but I also got a little nauseous!!

Sorry for the not-very-clear-picture, but I was the photographer and it was all I could do not to drop the camera. Good job Geoff was near-by, poor camera might not have survived that photo-shoot!! Passed it to him as soon as I was done and did a little, squealing, freak-out right there in my partly renovated country kitchen.

When I "signed up" for farm living I was willing and ready for many things. 
Poop, of monumental proportions.
Rejected lambs being warmed by the wood stove.
Mucky treks out to the barn in the rain to tend to animals.  
Freezing trips out the the barn for water and feed times.
Bugs of countless amounts in the garden. 
Fighting off deer, squirrel, coons, skunks etc etc to keep my garden produce for people consumption. 


I was not signing up for 
living in my basement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, indeed I was not! 

Guess this city-turned-town-newly-turned-country-girl has some toughing up to do!! 
Not so for, The Youngest, she scooped up that "cute little, whatever endearing word she used for it", and carried it off out-side, probably named it as she went and apologizing that her mother was making it move out-doors so soon before winter. haha 

At least I have some good helpers to assist me in my toughing up process!! 
But now I know there is a very good reason why I have only been in the basement once since moving here!! :) 


  1. You missed groundhogs in your list that you have to fight off. I managed to live trap the one that was eating everything I was growing this year. My son took the 22 out and put it down. Listen to your old Aunt when I tell you as soon as possible get down into that basement and do a clean sweep. No use cleaning the upstairs if there is something down stairs that needs attention. The smell and the creatures will drive you to it! Every season sees me spend a day in each of my old basements and do I ever need a shower when I am done. Vacuum or preferably a shop vac and a long hose to reach all the disgusting corners!! I use to screech when I saw a bug now I am a very fast exterminator! I leave no corner unturned...I don't want them showing up upstairs!!! when I am sleeping!! There is a time in the spring when I get the first spider bite that sends me into a manic cleaning mode. then there is a mid summer flea bite that turns me into the vet that anoints all our pets for fleas. I so enjoy your blog. Do take time to find comfort each day when you feel overwhelmed. It doesn't all happen in a day! I love your gazebo!!! what a neat place!! I would probably get screening stapled to the inside of the windows and door if you get mosquitos like we do in the spring and early summer. Or have the boys make removable screens. Get some really nice comfy chairs with cushions. Hugs for you all : )

    1. And the gazebo used to have both screening and a door....they will both be replaced. It will be a special space to hang out for sure!!

  2. "as soon as possible get down into that basement and do a clean sweep" Wahhh...but I don't want

  3. put a scarf on your hair, tuck it all in and wear some shoes or something good for stomping. : ) You will feel much better once you have met it face on! I know because I do. Love the stories of your heavenly sprinkles!! not so great about wet wood..make sure you collect lots of dry kindling from the woods around you. And get everyone collecting newspaper for you.
