Monday, October 24, 2016

Thar She Blows!

One thing has come as a bit of a surprise to us...and that's how windy it is most of the time and the strength behind the wind.

We'll have to come up with a new line since...."Look what the wind blew in!!"
......... is getting a tad worn out with constant use. 

It's been difficult getting to sleep some nights in the trailer, with the rocking and swaying. Geoff said we couldn't be in a better spot though since we are protected by the house. 
That's good, I wouldn't want to be some where un-protected!

Hopefully as we live here and fill in all the cracks and replace more windows the whistling will stop.
Honestly some days it sounds like someone can't be bothered to get up and take the kettle off the burner. And I wonder why I am always wanting a cup of tea?  
The young people have both said they think it's someone screaming, so I'm thankful I am thinking tea-kettles and not wondering if someone is getting murdered!! 

I have to admit, I'm a little afraid of what it'll be like when the temperatures drop for real and stay there, I think the whistling and blowing will be a little harder to joke about. :P  
I'm just thankful that our stove will be here before too long!

On laundry day I use every peg I have, putting five or six on towels and sometimes they still come half off!! But they do dry quickly and are fairly soft!! :) So I can't complain! 

It is going to be interesting to see how high the drifts of snow get this winter.
I can see it now.....
"Geoff just where DID you park the van yesterday?" 

1 comment:

  1. Yes I did find it windy when we were painting. I love the wind and I know you will get used to it. It will make it harder for mosquitoes to hover. I guess a wind break will be a good thing to add to your planting lists. Something with fruit if possible and fast growing. A nice big kite would go good there. And a little sailboat for your pond. :)
