Saturday, October 8, 2016

As Promised

Been posting a lot of inside pictures. Which at the moment are rather unbecoming.
I had mentioned that outside pictures would be posted at a later date.
That date has arrived!
Between fall colours and the loveliness of the day I was compelled to take the camera for a walk.

May we introduce, Henry.
Sticking out "like a sore thumb" like that one odd-ball tree, has probably saved it's life. That tree is now a "named tree". And when things have names they become part of the family. 
We don't chop down family members now do we?!

Always wanted a weather vane. 
Now I have one, but I am unsure if it works except in gale force winds. And in winds that strong I'm not out having a "look-see" at which way the ole weather vane is pointing!!. :)


  1. Which picture would we see when we drive down your road? What is the purple flowers in bloom? I like Henry! :) I wonder how it grow so tall without any branches? What a neat place you have!

  2. The one with the trailer is the view you'll see when coming down the road. I don't know what the flowers are. Most likely considered a weed. But they are so pretty. We might come out to find they have health benefits! :) There are a few things about our place that make us wish we knew more of the history behind it. Henry is one of them :) Can't wait to show you around our "neat place" :)

  3. Love it !
    Finally a full view ! Please take and share a close up of the purple flower
    Henry is a strong one to still be standing despite his lack of branches
    Fall colours are always beautiful and it means Happy Thanksgiving
    Be Blessed with thankfulness for all God
    Has provided! Love and hugs ❤️💗💙💜💚

    1. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
      I will try to remember to get a snap of the purple flowers. I would go do that right now, but I have the timer on for 15 mins of sit down. Woke up determined to rest today, but ended up stacking more wood. At least the rain held off and most of it is in the shed! :)
