Wednesday, October 5, 2016


That's the name of the paint that the living room is now covered with.

Biscotti is really code for "Newborn Poop" haha. 
Funny that isn't what came to me when I looked at the swatch! But the first swish of the roller and that's all I could think of!!

Mentioned it to a family member and they had the same impression.

Oh, goes. It'll look better after the second coat I kept telling myself.  Another thought I comforted myself with..... "It'll look fantastic with our navy-blue furniture" 

But another voice was saying "Why didn't you stick to light grey like before?" 
"Grey is safe." Grey would have been safe but I'm so done going with "safe".
I think I was inspired by the use of colour here in the East. Bright colours are everywhere. Whole buildings are purple, red, royal blue, sunshine yellow! Seems like the favorite roof colour is Fire Engine Red.

I love deep colours and I figured that if there was a safe place to be bold, where neighbours wouldn't judge you on your bizarre paint choice, it was here. So I plugged my nose and jumped off the diving board!!

Well, second coat is looking much, much better....  I'll keep you posted on the compatibility of walls with couches :)

Here's a peek....

One room...almost....down......


Here's the "make-up" stash...hopefully it's enough to freshen the place up a bit!! 



  1. Isn't Biscotti a biscuit of some sort? Who would come up with "newborn poop"!! It's bright and bold..can't wait to see it. Love the jut out with the windows. Maybe you will eventually have a window seat there. Paint always freshens things up! : )

    1. Newborn poop was what I thought of as I started to use it! But it looks different (better) after it dries :)

  2. At least the make up won't wash off....and the second coat of paint makes it look quite Mom
