Monday, October 24, 2016

One Too Many.

It makes logical sense that there are only so many coats of paint that will go on cupboard doors before it impedes their ability to close and stay that way.

We bought the house one layer too late. Agh!

So I mentioned in a previous blog that the upper cupboards were SOLID and only needed some scrubbing and painting and I'd be happy to have them over "new and cheap", cause if they've lasted this long they would last just as long again.

They are solid alright and all but one door stayed closed.
We fixed that one errant door by moving the magnet to a different spot and TA-DA, just the magic it needed, all six doors snug-as-a-bug.

They got washed and scrubbed a few times. Goodness, but I didn't realize how much time and effort that would take. Seemed like I was always missing a shelf, the front of a door or a section of wall at the back. It took several sessions and many fresh buckets of warm, soapy water before the day arrived that I declared.........

"They are ready to be primed!"

Priming was almost as tricky as the washing part. You would feel like you covered every inch and then get off the step stool and "Blah, missed a whole section"

Of course the doors stayed open in the hopes that the space heaters would warm up the room enough to get all the wet spots dry and I have a wee, and very tender goose-egg to prove that we did due-diligence to help that paint dry!  Open cupboard doors and myself are like magnets and metal. If they are close they will connect. It was almost the straw that broke the camel's back, but I'm still here and trying to avoid touching the left side of my forehead. the primer dries and I start to apply paint, but Geoff began to notice something I had failed to spot. (I blame the "Blow to the head") ....... with the ONE extra layer of paint.....

NOT a SINGLE cupboard door will close all the way.
NO way! Are. You. Kidding. Me!
No moving of magnets will help this problem.
The doors have to come off and be stripped.

Grrrrr. Frita-frat,

Of course every screw, all sixty of them, have just as many coats of paint on them as the wood does. Just a wee inconvenience.

Some "sprinkles" in the whole situation....

Flat-headed screw drivers and hammers and two hands that can use the two together....making paint chips fly, unveiling the screws......

An ancient tin of paint remover in an out-building that was still usable.

Old paintbrushes (the paint remover practically melted the paintbrush, it would have been painful to have had to use a new one!!)

Rubber gloves!!  Skin is not over-rated!!

Scrapers - dry-wall putty knife worked like a charm.

Re-cycle cans and containers to hold the corrosive stuff.

Turns out painting the cupboards is a whole lot easier with the doors off!
My head is feeling a whole lot safer too!!

Took one of the doors, after I was finished scrapping and it fit like a glove into the opening. So, it was worth it I guess.

Yes, it was kinda annoying, that with so much to do, this extra step needed to be taken. 
But oh well, the end result will look much better and in the long run, no one is going to know or care that the doors were a "pain in the behind". I mean pain-in-the-head ......myself included.......once my goose-egg is gone that is.

1 comment:

  1. ouch I am feeling for you! I was just thinking tonight when I sat down after supper..wouldn't it be nice if Christine posted something there was 2 lengthy interesting posts! I think you need to put this in a book eventually! Glad your cupboards are still going to work out!
