Saturday, August 27, 2016

So Long, Province of My Birth.

It seems the closer we get to the moving day the less real this all feels. In five days I'll be sleeping in a trailer and yet today, this evening, it feels like I will live forever in this Penetanguishene house full of boxes. I suppose come Tuesday when the U-Hal pulls in and we load it up reality will hit in full force. 
The good-byes were becoming a tad too painful, so I've switched up to 
"See ya later"
There are so many ways to "see" someone now a days. The world is truly a much smaller place with Skype and the like. 
In the words of a friend........

"Truly, when the miles separate, the heart will not"

I have met a lot of amazing folks in my life as an Ontarian. And if you are reading this blog and know me personally, you are one of those people. 
Thanks for making an impact on my life. Every soul that crossed my path made some kind of impression and in most cases it was a GOOD one. Way to go!  :)
I'm glad God introduced us! 
And being that we are down to "crunch time" and I am not sure when I'll have a minute in the next couple days..... I am leaving you with these words, which although seem a tad cheesy,  are my prayer for each of you.....

May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Whether near or far away
May you find that long awaited
Golden day today.
May your troubles all be small ones
And your fortunes ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again.
May you walk with sunlight shining
And a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining
Back of every cloud you see.
Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again.