Monday, August 15, 2016

Home Away from Home

Here she is!
Our Command Center!!
I had told myself to stop looking on Kijiji until we were there (or almost there). Since that would mean my sister-in-law would have to do the running around for us. Besides, paying for it would be a hassle if they wouldn't take a cheque or were unable to receive an e-transfer (not to mention I haven't a clue how to do an e-transfer!!)
But Saturday morning I couldn't help it, everyone was still asleep and I needed something quiet to do. So I went on-line and this happened.

First I looked at Kijiji and sitting waiting, on the top of the page, posted only the night before was the EXACT trailer we were hoping for.  I had two wishes, that the master bed would have access from both sides and that there be four bunks and not just the typical two. (then each of the kids would get a SIDE instead of "top or bottom")

Lookee here!

AGH!!!! We had to get that trailer!!!! But go figure, I had called the sister-in-law just the night before and said "Don't worry we'll do the running around for it once we're there".

But this "dream come true" was priced to go fast and was only 40 minutes away (as opposed to hours and hours away like most listings)

I waited until 10:30 a.m. Nova Scotia time (9:30 here) before calling her. It was Saturday morning after all and not everyone gets up at the crack of dawn on weekends, like myself. :)
Considering I saw the Kijiji ad at 7:00ish that was a lot of self restraint!! haha

She was able to go have a-look-see the next morning. But when we didn't hear back from her for most of the day and then the ad disappeared off the site I was starting to wonder if (OK, worry) that it had been sold!

Turns out it had been sold.

To US!

We had sent a blank personal cheque in the mail sometime before (Yes, we are that crazy!!) to pay for the water testing, but ended up paying for it a different way. The S.S.I.L (sweet sister-in-law) offered to burn it when it didn't get used but I suggested she hold onto it, "in case". She was able to take that "piece of paper" with her when looking at the trailer and it turns out Nova Scotia folks are a bit more trusting and happy to take a personal cheque!

TA-DA just like that we were trailer owners!!

Sweet thing is the seller is having it delivered!! They are covering the $150 cost of delivery too!!

It's a comforting feeling knowing that when we arrive late-in-the-day (probably night) on Sept 1st, our temporary home will be sitting in the S.S.I.L's driveway waiting for us. I think it's a relief for her too, she has a temporary houseful already.  Adding us four would of had her place bursting at the seams.

Now when I pack, some things will be in boxes with a big "T"circled.

T = Trailer :)


  1. What a God send!! Yeah! thanks for keeping us posted..Love Aunt Diane

    1. Yep, God's fingerprints are all over this trailer :)

  2. What does it take to get a post on here
    Thought I had it
    Don't see it
    Maybe there's a delay
    Trying again

    Oh wait
    I think we have


    1. Whew!

      Ok proper response

      Love it !!!!
      Be blessed
      Can't wait to read more
      Leave a comment

    2. Yay!! You figured it out! :) Looking forward to your comments! :)

  3. Replies
    1. It will be our guest house ...eventually....when you are ready for a NS adventure! :)

  4. This made me cry, happy are an amazing writer Christine!!

    So happy you found your Home away from home 😊

    1. Thanks Diane!!
      I love working with words :)
      This trailer was a God-send to be sure!! Couldn't have made it without it!!
