Thursday, July 14, 2016

Not Quite There .....Yet.


It's time to start a new blog, gone are the old ones.  This next stage in our lives is going to be an adventure, of epic (and terrifying) proportions and it deserves an all-new, all-to-itself blog.

This is it. 

It seems like we have lived a few lives already.

This October Geoff and I will have been married 27 years. It doesn't seem like that long and yet in that time we have managed to .....

Survive one house fire.
Walk through two brain surgeries.
Endure three operations.
Raise four kids.
Buy five houses. (one at a time)
Wear out six vehicles.
Move seven times.
Serve eight years at a ministry.
Nine? nine?....nine....... O.K. I got nothing for nine. ;)
Enjoy ten pets.

And a parrrrrrrrtridge in a pear treeeeeeeee.

I decided to start blogging this journey today because I have to kill time.

Here's a quick time line.

May 21, 2016 - We load up the van and head east.
May 23 - Arrive at Geoff's sister in NS and look at a property.
May 24 - June 3rd - "Sleep on it" while visiting family in NL.
June 4 - Put offer on said property and it's accepted
June 5 - July 1 - Travel home and work like crazy preparing the house for market
July 2 - For Sale sign goes up.
July 3 - 13 - Have six showings
July 14th - That's today!!......offer or offers will be presented.

We know there is at least one offer already written up and a couple more who said they would.

Now we have to wait until 6:00 p.m. to find out what's going to happen.

Hence I have time to kill, cause it's going to be a loooong day. In a good way.

There are many ways to have a long day. Some much harder then others. This is not one of the hard ways and I am thankful for that.

Today is most likely going to be the day when our new adventure starts for real.
It's going to be fun and exciting.
It's going to be scary and intimidating. .
It's going to mean lots of blood, sweat, tears and hard work.
It's going to prove to be interesting, challenging and fulfilling.

I'm not looking forward to the good-byes.
But I am looking forward to the project I've dubbed "Once Upon a Time Machine" Why?

Well, for a sneak peek.....this is the stove we're planning on putting in our kitchen.
(for you not-so-tech-savvy folks, click on the word "stove" ;) )

Like I said in the "About Me" section. It's a 170 year old house and we aren't planning on modernizing it. We plan on taking it back in time a bit.

How do you spell...... MAJOR learning curve?! I foresee some toast and cereal for dinner at times.

If you want to follow along with us, you are most welcome.
Hang on! It's going to be quite the ride!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys!!! You're going to be in your glory with this new life. :)

    Katie B

    1. Thanks Katie! We are looking forward to it! :)

  2. I'm so very happy for you guys! I look forward to following along with you guys on your journey!

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