Thursday, January 12, 2017

What Happened?!

Many of you probably read my post titled "Lot's Wife" on your email, but if you tried to check it out on the actual blog page it wasn't to be found.

Let me explain.  I removed it.  :)

Going cold-turkey off carbs and sugars was much harder than I anticipated. By the end of the second day I was a mess. Massive headache that pain killers wouldn't touch.  Geoff and I came to the decision that I would use the two weeks to wean myself off instead of doing cold-turkey. I already know I eat a diet high in carbs without much meat or veggies. It is time to make changes.

I also plan on finding a place in this area that sells meat with no added hormones.  I have been suffering with hormonal headaches for several years, but while living in Penetang we discovered a small butcher shop that sold local meat without added hormones and after a year of eating meats purchased from there I was noticing my headaches were getting fewer and less intense. 

In the mean time I am still very tired. Many think I am just worn out from our whirl-wind nine month journey in which we put an offer on this place June 4, 2016, spent an intense four weeks preparing our Penetang house for market, sold it July 14th, then began the process of packing up to move across country two months later. Only to move into a trailer, and begin our race against the seasonal clock because we needed to be inside a real house before winter struck.

We did it. Just barely and there is still so much to do.

OK, so maybe I am tired for a reason. Just typing that out makes me feel tired all over again.  haha
Maybe I'll cut myself a break today.
After I get everything done off my list that is. (Don't worry, it's a short list)
Haha, I don't sit well, I HAVE to do something first to "earn" my rest. So if I at least get some food made for meals and the dishes done then I can sit down for a bit without feeling guilty.

I really want to paint and wall paper today. I am having an interview next week with a mom who needs day-care and I would really like the upstairs hallway finished. It's not the looks that I care about, but the railing is missing and isn't supposed to get installed again until the Jacuzzi tub is removed and some painting is done. Well, I can't participate in the tub removal for sure. I would push myself through the painting but a few days ago my right arm became so weak I can hardly use it. I am giving it a chance to correct itself before visiting a "professional" but in the mean time I am limited in what I can do. Guess I will be delegating out some painting work today. I think a securely installed railing upstairs would go a long way in helping a mother feel like this place is safe for a toddler. But maybe she'll be turned off by the table of tools and the stack of insulation in the bathroom. haha. She'll have to really, really like us to think her child would be safe here.  I of course won't plan on letting a little one out of my sight. But maybe it would be best if we just waited to bring day-care here AFTER the renos are done. ( I won't be advertising until spring, but this lady was asking for child-care on the village's Facebook page and when I told her what we had to offer, she said she was very interested) 
One of us has to start working sometime. Child-care is in high demand in this area. I wouldn't need a car to get to work. And the best part is I LOVE little people. So, we have been on the look out for the items I would need to care for children and God has been providing almost everything from cheaper, second-hand sources. :) At least it's something to look forward to and another reason to get myself feeling better and in shape!! 

Well, I had best get to the day, so that I can rest later. ;) 
Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and I really hope the new slower restriction plan is working well for you!
    I can't imagine how you (all) wouldn't be utterly exhausted...
    So glad you took it a bit easier [yesterday]. Hope today has been a good day for you xo
