Tuesday, November 1, 2016


The colour orange has been on our minds lately.
And on our floors too.

When you take red soil, wear a path through it, add a couple weeks of rain, smear it on something, let it dry..... you get orange.
Orange on your boots.
Orange on the door mats.
Orange on the trailer floor.
Orange in the mud room.
Orange in the kitchen.
Orange in every hallway.
Orange going up the stairs.

Yes, we were wearing our outdoor footwear in the construction zone that is our house.
That changed yesterday.
The rain doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so we must do the adjusting.
Muddy outside boots get changed up to inside shoes at the door.

Look I am not complaining!! You don't need to shovel rain. Or blow it. You don't have to call your snow plowing neighbour to get you out of your driveway, when it's only raining. As far as I am concerned rain is wonderful!!!

We have been praying for a mild fall. We are getting it and couldn't be more thankful for rain!!

A different  orange came into our vocab this week.

It's a two word phrase called Hunters Orange.

The Man-Son was taking the new-to-us four-wheeler across the road to retrieve an old, round bale of hay that was left behind. We have a use for it this winter and it won't be to feed animals. I know you all want to know what we plan on doing with an old bale of hay, but you'll just have to be patient cause that's another blog, not this one. ;)
Of course he was having fun vrooming back and forth, but he told me during supper that East Neighbour had stopped and hollered something at him from the road, but he hadn't caught a word she said. Funny how he didn't go see what she thought was so important, just did the ole "Smile and nod, Boys, Smile and nod". I figured I would call her up to see what it was she thought he needed to know.

Hunting season starts tomorrow is what I heard. You shouldn't go in your woods or even be on your cleared land without wearing Hunters Orange.
I told her "We don't have Hunters Orange but we do have Surveyors Yellow.
Would that do?" (Note: Geoff is a surveyor turning into a farmer)
Yes, that would be fine. Just as long as the guys with guns can see you aren't a deer.

Thanks for the heads up, but I thought hunting season was already underway?
"Oh, that's double-loaders and bazooka hunting that started a bit ago". At least I think that is what she said. She said two types of guns, but that was a couple days ago and it was all Greek to me anyways  ;)
No, I know she didn't say bazooka, but she might as well have. Bazooka or sawed-off shotgun.
I mean how is it, I could possibly be shot while meandering on my own "back 50"?
The West neighbour explained that one.....
If you don't have signs on every second tree saying "NO HUNTING" or "NO Trespassing", if your extra roads/driveways don't have barriers on it......well, the guys with guns think it's all fair game.

Hum. I guess we'll be making up some signs then.
Maybe we'll need to get a fence up first so as to have something to hang the signs on.
Seems I'd better go digging in the mountains of boxes for the Surveyors Yellow too.
But when we're next in town, that being not Tatamagouche, I'll be investing in something orange that fits The Youngest and myself.  The selection that we have in Surveyor Yellow is rather on the large side.

We had plans to go gather kindling, but that'll have to wait I suppose.
That's ok, it's been raining every day anyways.

Making our trek between house and trailer to sound and look like this.....

And I replaced the mat with a fresh towel only four or five entrances ago!
All in a "day of our life" ........ at the moment.

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