Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Little Spa That Wasn't

And you thought this blog post would be titled January didn't you?

Well, being February is almost over and the events of the previous month are fast becoming faint memories, I decided to break with the monthly title pattern and just give you an up-date.....

It seemed like the winter months in Canada this year were really just a series of mini-Springs. This meant that the ski hill where the Man-Son and I were working had a tough time keeping snow on the slopes. I say "were working" cause although the season is winding to a close due to un-cooperative weather, I bowed out and gave my "quittin' notice" yesterday. I had had enough of the poor management. I concluded that life is too short to spend that much time, working for minimum wage, in such a stressful environment. I was getting almost full time hours since six staff had quit before me. Seems I wasn't the only one who thought the place was best to stay away from!! To sum it up, I was raised to be a non-swearer and as a Christian I believe it is honoring to my Lord to keep my language clean as an adult. But after only a couple months in that kitchen I was afraid to open my mouth to respond to the supervisors cause I was afraid that @#$^%* would come out. So, I concluded that in the best interest to all involved I would quit before such a dreadful thing occurred.

Remember how I was telling you about the "The Little Spa Shop"? Well, it's a dream that isn't going to become reality.

Instead my peeps and I will be opening up a different business much better suited to our strengths and abilities.

It'll be a little SWEET shop instead. I do think making tea and serving cookies will be a little more up my line of expertise than asking people to strip down from neck to waist to have oils applied to their backs or soaking feet and trimming toe-nails of strangers. Haha.  I would have been happy doing the later, but I have more experience in the hostessing department.

"Christine's Sweets By The Sea" that's what we'll be called.  It was hoped that we would be "Sweets by the Sea" as it will be a family business......but the good ole government thought it was too closely related to another business out there called "By the Sea Refreshments".

Yeah, I can see how all you poor folks out there might be confused by the two. (insert sarcasm)

So being "Christine's Christmas Cookies" was fast becoming a brand name....we added "Christine" to the business name and it was accepted.  At least the locals who enjoyed my holiday sweets will know who I am...and come summer the folks visiting Tata will find out as well!  :)

The location is just the BEST. It'll be in the front of the Grain Elevator.

Different paint colour same kitchen.  Awesome location..... it's where all the tourists hang out on the weekends.  Perfect seasonal hours.....I will only be using it (paying rent) for the months of May-October. It's separated from the rest of the Grain Elevator by a door, so I can have more "Open" hours than just Friday-Sunday. Then come November-December I'll kick into Christmas mode....and when the New Year strikes I can have a break from baking for a bit. I'm liking the sound of that already! hahaha

To say we are excited is an understatement. I will save details about menus and such until a later blog.  Right now every extra minute is spent sewing aprons, working on getting permits and business numbers, finding wholesale suppliers, out-sourcing sign making and trying out new recipes on any "guinea-person" I can find. So, far I've had no complaints and many happy volunteers.

In the mean time....if you hear of anyone named Christine Harris who would like to open a spa at the Grain Elevator in Tatamagouche....I already have business cards for them....I'll sell them for a good price too!!! lol

Until next time...... Sweet Days and Dreams to you!!